Let’s Never Grow Up!

Old photography studio turned Indoor Playroom

After a lot of sweat & love!

Would you believe me if I told you I gave up on this dream once?

Its true! I had an idea of opening up an indoor playroom and looked around my area for buildings to lease… nothing! There was absolutely nothing! I’m not one to harp over things, so I quickly pushed back the idea and kept living life.

Fast forward 2 months later, I was driving home one day and heard a voice in my head say “look again”. When I got home I hopped online and the picture on the left popped up first!

FIRST! The space was nice and open, it used to be a photography studio. Fun fact, I used to take my kids to get their pictures taken there before they went out of business. Therefore, I had a basic idea of what the insides looked like and the wheels were already turning! I had so many great ideas going through my mind.

I knew that I wanted a space big enough to build pretend playhouses and large enough to host birthday parties. I drew out some rough designs to show my husband an sent an email to schedule a time to measure the property.

I ended up going to look at the property the next day and knew in my heart this was the place! I sent an offer the following day, after some back & forth I signed the lease a week later. After almost giving up this dream I had, I was not going to waste anymore time.

I signed the lease at the end of February and we opened end of June. 4 Months of hard work, blood (mainly from my papa), sweat (again papa) and tears (definitely from me, but that’s a story for another post) we opened up!

Now almost 2 years later, I still can not believe all the hard work we put into building the playroom. It is my dream come true and I LOVE how excited kids get when they walk in the door!

Full view of the playroom.

I plan to share ALL the ups and downs of starting this business, building all our playhouses and running the business. I hope you will come back to see more!